Flag - Germany

German War Graves in Canada

Flag - Canada
German War Graves entrance

The graves of 187 German Prisoners of War from the First and Second World War are located at Woodland Cemetery in Kitchener, Canada. This page provides an overview of the cemetery and includes contact information, maps, and a layout of the German War Graves Section.

The German War Graves Section of Woodland Cemetery is divided into three sections consisting of a memorial monument, grave markers, and a fieldstone alcove. Visit this page for a closer look at the two areas that border the German War Graves section.

A work in progress, the POW History page contains information about the men who are interred at Woodland. Also included on this page are other items of interest concerning the history of German POWs in Canada. 

The Grave Registry is the main reason for the existence of this website. It contains an alphabetical listing of every POW buried in the German War Graves Section of the Woodland Cemetery. Included in the Registry are photos of every grave marker in the cemetery.

This page contains links to other websites with information concerning the German War Graves in Canada. It also contains news and updates regarding the German War Graves in Canada website and includes photos and newspaper articles concerning the Volkstrauertag services that are held annually at the Woodland Cemetery.


Contributions and comments concerning German War Graves in Canada are always appreciated. Please use the Contact page to provide feedback or share information.

The contents of numerous reliable sources was compiled during the research for this website. A list of those sources is still being prepared; as a result the list below should be considered incomplete. The Links page provides an alternate list of the sources used here.

♦ Library and Archives Canada Internment Camps: Second World War
♦ Carter, David J. Behind Canadian Barbed Wire


German War Graves in Canada is a perpetual work in progress. New information, corrections and updates are added to these articles whenever they become available.

This site may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. As a non-profit project, such material is solely being used for educational purposes. As such the use of this material falls under the Fair Use guidelines pertaining to copyright law.

All original photography and written content found in this website is copyrighted; if you wish to use any of this material for your own use, you must obtain permission first through the Contact page.

© 2009-2020 German War Graves in Canada c/o Uwe Wachtendorf